Select Category and Location
Choose a service
category and select
task location.
Select a Gigster
Select a Gigster based
on filtered service
category and location.
Book a Session
Choose a
preferred task
date and time.
Assign a Task
Fill in Quester’s name,
contact number and task
location to assign a Gigster.
Make a Payment
Pay booking via payment gateway and get your receipt via email.
Service Time!
Gigster will come to the
location and perform the required service.
Quester Review
Leave review comments
and rating to mark the
completion of service.
Fill in particulars
on FixApa
Registration Form.
FixApa will review
and process each registration request.
Gigster will be notified
via email of
registration approval.
Gigster will detail
out service information
and fees.
Ready to Serve
Gigster will now be
notified of any
task-booking by Quester.